The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network's (PanCAN) Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (SMAB) is composed of leading cancer scientists, clinicians and healthcare professionals from institutions across the United States who specialize in pancreatic cancer. The SMAB provides scientific and clinical expertise to guide us in planning and implementing our research initiatives, in-depth information and educational services for patients, their families and caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
All SMAB members contribute their expertise on a pro bono basis with no conflict of interest between their professional work and the volunteer work they do for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Click each image to learn more about our SMAB members.
Chair University of California, San Francisco
Emeritus Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
University of Washington
Johns Hopkins University
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Yale University
Georgetown University Hospital
Johns Hopkins University
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Johns Hopkins University
University of Virginia
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Moffitt Cancer Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
University of California, San Francisco
Northwestern University
Mayo Clinic
MD Anderson Cancer Center
New York University
Columbia University
NorthShore University HealthSystem
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Pennsylvania
Salk Institute